Fee Structure for the Session of 2023-24

Enrollment Fee / Admission Fee: Rs 1000 (One time)

Note: Admission fee waived off up to 50% on the basis of Entrance Test Result

Nature of Fee Regular Fee Prescribed 2023-24
Class Monthly Quarterly
NUR 1150 3450
LKG & UKG 1250 3750
Ist & IInd 1400 4200
IIIrd 1500 4500
IVth & Vth 1600 4800
VIth & VIIth 1700 5100
VIIth 1800 5400
XIth 2100 6300
Xth 2200 6600
XI Com. & XI Sci. 2500 7500
XIIth Com. & XIIth Sci. 2700 8100
Transport / Bus charges Rs 550 to 700 per month (To be specified depending on distance from school)

Annual Charges / Activity Fee

Sr.No. Nature of Fee Charges/Annum (P. Nur to V) Charges/Annum (VI to X) Charges/Annum (XI & XII)
1 Medical Fee 500 /- 500 /- 500 /-
2 Library Fee 500 /- 500 /- 500 /-
3 Games Fee 500 /- 500 /- 500 /-
4 Examination Fee 1000 /- 1000 /- 1000 /-
5 Computer Fee 500 /- 1000 /- 1000 /-
6 Activity Fee 500 /- 500 /- 500 /-
7 Magazine/Bulletin 500 /- 500 /- 500 /-
8 Development Fee 500 /- 1000 /- 1000 /-
9 Practical Fee (XI & XII) -- -- 1000 /-
Total 4500 /- 5500 /- 6500 /-
Regular Fee
Quarterly P.Nur. - V VI - X XI - XII
Q-1 1000 (Apr-Jun) 1000 (Apr-Jun) 1000 (Apr-Jun)
Q-2 1500 (Jul-Sep) 1500 (Jul-Sep) 1500 (Jul-Sep)
Q-3 1000 (Oct-Dec) 1000 (Oct-Dec) 1000 (Oct-Dec)
Q-4 1000 (Jan-Mar) 2000 (Jan-Mar) 3000 (Jan-Mar)
Total 4500/- 5500/- 6500/-